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Announcing the Trello agile tools power-up (story points, WIP plus more)


Finally, story points in a Trello Power-Up! Plus more! coming soon! :)

We have just released our latest Trello Power-Up, called 'Agile Tools'. It is all about bringing features for Agile teams into a single Trello Power-Up you can install and use for free without any Corrello subscription. Find it in the Trello Power-Ups directory on the Menu in the top right on your Trello boards.

The first feature adds Story Points to your cards. Much like the popular 'Scrum for Trello' browser plugin except this works as a Power-Up within Trello itself.

On top of that, if you have been using the Scrum for Trello Power-Up we can import your points data over from Scrum for Trello into our new Power up.

Check out all the features here

In the near future we will be adding WIP limits and slow card highlighting. If you have any suggestions for features you would like to see please let us know in the comments :)

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